Wednesday, January 1, 2014

They're Off!

English: Horse race. Canterbury Downs in Shako...
English: Horse race. Canterbury Downs in Shakopee, Minnesota. Canterbury Park. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Happy New Year!

Today is the first day of your Bible reading plan. By this time next year you will have read all the way through the Bible.

Oddly, today maybe a tough day because it is a vacation day and so your regular reading time might not work. If so adjust and do your reading!

Finally, thus far, I've done a lot of writing here, now it's your turn to post. Tell us a bit about when and how your will be reading, where your problem areas might lie, and what you are excited about.
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1 comment:

  1. Pat, I find personally that having a check off list doesn't work for me. I have found that if I divide the number of pages in my Bible by 365, then I know how many pages a day I need to read. ( 3 and a little bit for me) Now I know what I'm aiming at. then I divide by 12 and know what I'm aiming at by the end of the month. Some days I hear enough in one chapter, some days I read more before I hear anything. Often there is a Sunday afternoon when I can catch up or progress towards catching up if I need to. This works for me -- if I work it!
