Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Acts 6:8 - 8:8

Nine: It was very merciful of Stephen to ask God not to punish them for stoning him. The reason they gnashed their teeth and covered their ears was they didn't believe Jesus was the son of God. 

Twelve: We should do anything God tells us even if we get killed because of it. We should forgive our enemies whatever they do to us.

Forty-seven: It's easy to think I'm persecuted while living my plush life, but when I read of Stephen I pray that if faced with what he was faced with I could be so firm and so forgiving. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Acts 3:1 - 4:37

Nine: The high priest shouldn't have punished them for speaking the word of God and healing that guy's leg. We should be like Peter and keep doing what is right even if a person in charge of us will punish us.

Twelve: God will protect us from all dangers and help us in our trials. We should give to the needy because we will be rewarded in heaven.

Forty-seven: Imagine this man's joy. The Bible tells us he was leaping after he was healed. I also imagine the early church where each shared with all the rest. What trust!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Acts 2:1 - 47

Nine: We should trust Jesus like the disciples did. They believed and the Holy Spirit came upon them. It was amazing so many believed that day.

Twelve: The disciples even after Jesus left were given the Holy Spirit to testify in His name. Even without Jesus being here in person, He is still with us in Spirit. We can do anything through Him. 

Forty-seven: The atmosphere in the first church is such a desired goal and yet so hard to grasp onto. 

Acts 1:1 - 11

Nine: We should wait for the Lord as He commands us. In the apostles' case, they waited, were baptized with fire, and became great preachers of the word of God.

Twelve: We should go out and preach to others who don't know God when God tells us like the disciples.

Forty-seven: Our advocate is still sitting at the right hand of His father in heaven. 

John 20: 1 - 21:25

Nine: Jesus should be our God. We should not deny Him, but if we do He will forgive us. Peter was forgiven by Jesus even after Peter denied Jesus.

Twelve: We should believe in Jesus even though we have never seen him. We can be forgiven anything we do even denying Jesus like Peter did.

Forty-seven: It's funny how simple my children find this passage and yet the church has struggled with what to do with those who deny God during times of persecution. 
In times when there is no persecution, we often get caught up in comparing ourselves with others. I should stop comparing myself to others and trying to get the better "deal" from God. 

John 19: 1 -42

Nine: The scriptures were fulfilled because none of Jesus' bones were broken and He was pierced by a spear. If I was Pilate, I wouldn't have executed Jesus because Pilate had the authority to spare Him and He was innocent.

Twelve: Pilate was trying to do the right thing, but the Pharisees and Jews were preventing him from doing it by convincing him Caesar would be unhappy with him if he didn't kill Jesus. This shows we should not listen to other people about something we know is right.

Forty-seven: Pilate's, "What is truth?" is so relevant even today. How often do I turn away from truth to fret or discuss what is not true. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

John 18:1 - 40

Nine: Jesus was good not to call His angels down to kill these guys. If He had there wouldn't have been the resurrection. He did so to forgive our sins.

Twelve: I thought it was wonderful that Jesus told Pilate and the high priests that He was the son of god, but He was sent to earth to die for us.

Forty-seven: God is good! I am unworthy of the sacrifice made for me yet it was made in grace so that in grace I might be saved. 

Monday, April 20, 2009

Luke 22:1 - 46

Nine: I'm not sure Judas was under Satan's full control but if he was, it was not his fault he betrayed Jesus. But if he wasn't he'd have to pray for forgiveness to go to heaven. The disciples shouldn't have slept. They should have prayed not to fall into temptation.

Twelve: It is wonderful that Jesus sacrificed His life for us to forgive us of our sins. Even Judas could have been forgiven if he had repented to God. 

Forty-seven: Unlike my kids I am focused on communion in this passage. It's an amazing thing to continue to partake in now over 2000 years later. I understand the sleepy disciples too, but my youngest is right they should have prayed not to fall into temptation. 

Sunday, April 19, 2009

John 11:1 - 57

Nine: It was amazing that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. The priests had no reason to go after Jesus except for them being threatened by Him.

Twelve: It was amazing that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. The priests and the Pharisees wanted to kill Jesus. The lesson is that we are opposed by people even when we do the right thing.

Forty-seven: It's hard to understand the reaction of the priests to the raising of Lazarus, but I know that I likely would have my doubts about such an event happening today so I can begin to comprehend their reaction. Instead I should be as my children and be amazed in God always!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mark 5:1 - 20

Nine: It was amazing that Jesus cast out all those demons and had the authority to tell them where to go. It was wise of Jesus not to let the man come with Him because if Jesus had allowed him to come his home place would never have heard the word of God.

Twelve: It was amazing that Jesus threw out the evil spirits from the man. Also that he sent the demons into the pigs. We should trust in Jesus because He can do everything.

Forty-seven: I can't add any more than the wisdom of both my sons!

John 9:1 - 41

Nine: We should listen to God's word and the Pharisees didn't because they were blind to the truth.

Twelve: The Pharisees did not understand what Jesus did. They thought He was a sinner and they were perfect. They did not listen to Jesus. We Should take from this that we need to read the Bible and obey it.

Forty-seven: The newly healed blind man is amazing to watch in this story. He never waivers and as he is questioned his faith grows. 

Matthew 14:22 - 36

Nine: It is amazing that Jesus could walk on water. It is also amazing that He could command Peter to walk on water, but Peter was afraid and started to sink. We should not be afraid when the Lord is with us.

Twelve: It was amazing that Jesus could go on the water. It proved to the disciples that He was God It was cool at the end how He healed all the people who came to Him.

Forty-seven: How easy it is to take my eyes off Jesus and look at my surroundings and sink. 

Luke 9:1 - 36

Nine: Jesus has the power to give others power. Jesus is holy.

Twelve: Jesus i slowly starting to tell his disciples that He has to be killed. We should trust in Jesus and obey his commands because He is holy and all powerful.

Forty-seven: How difficult it is to step out in faith and trust in God. We always want to have some back up that we can see. 

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Luke 15:1 - 32

Nine: The older brother if he wanted attention so badly should have done the same as the younger brother. We should listen to Jesus because there is more joy in heaven when one sinner turns to God and believe in Him than in the righteous doing the same.

Twelve: God is looking for people who do not believe in Him. We should help Him by showing through our actions that we are Christians. When someone ask why we act so nice, we can tell them we believe in God and He loves them.

Forty-seven: The mother in my can't help notice that my youngest is ready to put the older brother on the road. I wonder if he thinks his brother acts "nice." But in truth how often do I do the same? How often do I act like God hasn't forgiven me a boatload of sins?

Luke 10:25 - 37

Nine: We should be like the Samaritan who took care of the injured man and paid for his room at the inn. We should treat everyone like our neighbor and love our neighbor as our self.

Twelve: Everybody is our neighbor. We should be nice to everybody and tell them about Jesus.

Forty-seven: Both my boys obviously got the clear message from this parable that anyone you see is your neighbor. How often do I pass by on the other side because I'm too busy or don't believe the story I've been told?

Matthew 13:1 - 58

Nine: We should obey the parables of Jesus. We should take the words of Jesus and listen to them and keep them in our heart like the good seed. So that the possessions of the world won't choke us up like the seed in the thorns.

Twelve: The way to Jesus is tough. We shouldn't let worldly things stop us from getting to him. We have to believe in Jesus because at the end of the age He will weed us out and only those who believe in Him will go to heaven.

Forty-seven: Together these two parables pack a punch. How do we keep ourselves from being choked by the cares of the world? By turning always to Jesus and remembering that harvest to come will be so different from that of this world. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Matthew 6:5 - 7:29

Nine: We should obey the words of God and not be like the foolish man who built on sand, but like the wise man who built his house on a rock, to build on God. We should not be like the scribes and pharisees who pray in the streets. We should act so God will know not man.

Twelve: We shouldn't do worldly stuff because that will be our reward on earth and nothing in heaven. The way to heaven is tough and we have to make tough choices to get there. We shouldn't be like the religious leaders. We shouldn't be pompous or proud like them.

Forty-seven: So what would I need to cut off to avoid sin? I'm afraid it might be my sinful heart and pride filled brain. 

Matthew 5:1- 6:4

Nine: You should walk in the path of the upright and obey the commandments of the Lord. If you tempt people into evil there will be great punishment on you. Give to the poor and not shout it out in the streets. Keep it silent to get your reward in heaven.

Twelve: Whenever we do something good we shouldn't make a big deal of it. We should be kind to people and help people in need. You should let your faith shine out of you by your acts.

Forty-seven: Jesus can be so counter-cultural even 2000 years later! How are we to do fundraising without those lists that show who gave what in what category?