Friday, June 12, 2009

One Hundred Posts: Done!

Nine: It was pretty good.

Twelve: I thought it was a very good program. It was well designed, but at the same time I am glad to be done. I am happy I did it.

Forty-seven: I'm glad we did this, but I am also glad we are done.

Revelation 21:1 - 22:21

Nine: We should not give up when the seven plagues come because the Lord after that will come down to earth and wash away all sin so we are white as snow. Hallelujah! The new earth is coming! We will reign forever with Jesus Christ. We will worship him forever. Amen!

Twelve: The new city is going to be a wonderful place. We must believe in God and trust in Him. We will come to the new city and worship Jesus. We won't need any sun because of God being there.

Forty-seven: This part always astounds me. The size and grandeur of this city. The fact that it is lit by God's glory. Come Lord Jesus, come!

Revelation 19:1 - 20:15

Nine: They were praising God. The person who corrupted the world was destroyed by the Lord. If we believe Jesus didn't rise from the dead, we will be thrown in the lake of fire with the beast and the false prophet. If we believe that Jesus died and did arise from the grave, we will be exalted in heaven for all eternity. We should wait for the coming of the Lord. We will be judged then and if our name is not in the book of life we will be thrown into the lake of fire.

Twelve: If we don't believe in God we will be thrown in the fiery pit. If we believe we will got to heaven and be with Jesus. Satan will persecute and try to kill us, but we must stand strong against him because Jesus will destroy him and throw him into the fiery pit in the end.

Forty-seven: It's funny over the years I've read many possible ways this will work out but my children cut to the meat: believe and you will be saved!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Revelation 4:1 - 7:17

Nine: It is a amazing in heaven. God is holy like the creatures said, and the elders were right two worship Him. Jesus is the only one worthy to open the scroll because He shed His blood for us. We should tremble when the Lord approaches for we are not worthy to look at His face. You should not give up hope for the Lord will come to save us from our enemies if we believe in the word.

Twelve: Heaven is a very pretty place. God is holy. He was the only one who could open the scroll. Bad things will happen but it is all in God's plan to end the old earth and start the new earth. Everybody who believes in God will come to heaven at the end of time.

Forty-seven: It's funny I've never really focused on the beauty of heaven in this passage. Somehow I slide right past that to the four riders of the Apocalypse. My children show more trust in the plan than I do.

Revelation 2:1 - 3:22

Nine: We should be strong like the church by Satan's throne which endures. He or she who has ears should hear the word of God so he or she will not fall into the devil's control. We should not let adultery happen in our church. We should stand strong in the word of God.

Twelve: You have to have love but you must also have works with love. You will face trials and tribulations, but the door of new earth will be open if you believe in Jesus. God does not want us to be lukewarm. He wants us to be either hot or cold.

Forty-seven: How hard not to be lukewarm. We live in a world that demands compromise and compromise is lukewarm.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Revelation 1:1 - 20

Nine: God will last forever. Even the people who struck Him will wail when He comes. John was commanded to tell everything he sees to the seven churches whose names are hard to pronounce.

Twelve: John is commanded to tell the churches these things that God will show John. God is the first and last, the all powerful; He will never end. The end.

Forty-seven: It is comforting to know that God is first and last. He is there at the beginning of time and he will be there at the end of time as well. He created time!

Friday, June 5, 2009

I John 3:11 - 4:21

Nine: We should love our brothers and sisters in the word. We should lay down our lives to help the word like missionaries in foreign countries. We should love our brothers because if we do not love them, we don't love God.

Twelve: We should love our brothers and lay down our lives for Christ Jesus. We should also love and take care of our fellow Christians. We should test prophets and teachers to see if they are from God or Satan.

Forty-seven: Doubly hard to both test those who bring us new knowledge and ideas about God and yet at the same time act loving to them. 

James 1:1 - 2:26

Nine: We shouldn't be tempted because temptation grows into sin and sin grows into death. We should not treat people who look really fancy more important than beggars. We should not only have faith but we should give to the poor and needy instead of telling them to be blessed.

Twelve: You should be quick to listen and slow to get angry at your brother. We should show no partiality to anybody. We have to give and not just say nice stuff to show that we have faith and good works.

Forty-seven: It is so easy to slip into unloving ways with those we are with the most, so easy to act as if we respect the rich more than the poor. 

I Peter 1:1 - 2:12

Nine: We should believe in the word of God. We should put aside the foolish ways of the world so we can become brother and sisters of Christ.

Twelve: We should believe in Jesus even though we can't see Him until we die. We must love other Christians. That Jesus values each one of us greatly.

Forty-seven: Not being able to see Jesus is hard. How much easier to have a real person in front of us as a model and guide and to reprimand us when needed.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

II Corinthians 4:1 - 6:2

Nine: We should not be blinded by the devil but we should proclaim the word of God so those who hear might believe in Him. We should not exalt ourselves.

Twelve: We must preach the gospel but we must first know that we are saved. Our earthly bodies are useless because one day we will be in heaven with heavenly bodies.

Forty-seven: Everything of value in me is God's treasure. Everything I do is a crude and easily broken clay pot. 

I Corinthians 13:1 - 13

Nine: If we don't have love, we have nothing. We must love our neighbor as our self and must love Jesus and believe in Him.

Twelve: We can do all the great deeds in the world, but they will be hollow if we do not have love. We must look to Jesus for love, hope, and faith.

Forty-seven: It can be so hard to have love when things aren't going your way or are otherwise frustrating. This is when I know I need to pray, pray, pray!